Opening hours

The time (e. g. 09.00 – 12.00) marks out the departure of the first and the last tour of the day.

1. Sacral tour

Period Days Hours
1. 6.-31. 8. tue–sun 9.00 – 16.30
1. 9.-3. 11. tue–sun 9.00 – 15.30

The guided tour includes the three main sacred areas of the monastery. It starts in the abbot's private chapel, where visitors can acquaint themselves with a Gothic painting of the Madonna of the Golden Crown. It continues through the small convent building, which features the tombstones of the...

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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2. Monastery with a Baroque pharmacy

Period Days Hours
1. 6.-31. 8. tue–sun 9.00 – 16.30
1. 9.-3. 11. tue–sun 9.00 – 15.30

The guided tour focuses on monastic life in the 18th century. It begins on the ground floor of the large convent, which is the principal monastery building. Visitors are taken around the library, the monks' cell, the study, the latrines, the heating room, the dining room and the cloister, which...

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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